(Deutsch) Februar 2024
The paper “Multidimensional Trace Search in IT Forensics” was ranked among the top 10 papers of the LexisNexis Best Paper Award at the International Legal Informatics Symposium.
Sachverständiger für Informatik
Ihr Gutachter für Informatik, Wirtschaft, Forensik und IT-Recht, IT-Ziviltechniker
The paper “Multidimensional Trace Search in IT Forensics” was ranked among the top 10 papers of the LexisNexis Best Paper Award at the International Legal Informatics Symposium.
The Federal Minister of Labor and Economy Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Kocher handed over to ZT Hrdinka the Federal President’s decree to lead the professional title “Technischer Rat”. The ceremony took place on March 29, 2023 in the marble hall of More…
ZT-Hrdinka is awarded for his work “The time dimension in computer forensics” at the International Law of computer science symposium for the LexisNexis Best Paper Award.
The Research Award for Computer Science 2017 will be handed by the Federal President Van der Bellen to DI Bernhard Ortner on the Engineers Day on 10/3/2018. The outstanding work has the title: “Anonymization for sensitive Linked Stream Data in More…
The Research Award for Computer Science 2016 was handed to DI Dominik Deutsch at the 100th session of the federal section on 11/10/2017. The outstanding work has the title: : “Multi-objective optimization of energy networks”, and deals with the optimization More…
ZT Hrdinka in the Ö1 morning journal about the new EU General Data Protection Regulation: Interview